
King Solomon Wisdom ™

Anytime someone finds their way closer to the historical tales of King Solomon’s wisdom we feel blessed and committed to sharing this path with them.

Are you ready for a magical experience that is about to sparkle a newfound passion for life?


A guide to the seeking traveler

Joseph Kefir has devoted his life to helping those in need.

As a child growing up in the Holy City of Jerusalem, Israel, he has always felt that he was drawn to this path, feeling this is his true calling.

Raised upon the legacy of a renowned family of Jewish Kabbalah, Joseph has inherited his spiritual grace from his grandmother. A celebrated healer and a woman of the mystique, his grandmother was known to apply the modality of King Solomon’s mystical codes to help those who came to her doorstep.

Throughout his life, Joseph has developed a strong need to offer earnest guidance employed by active teaching of this ancient knowledge, focusing on restoring the delicate balance of wellbeing.

“The purpose of the world and everything in it is {to make} a wise and kind human”


Master Kefir specializes in far-distance healing and works together with additional world-renowned healing modalities.

Over the years, he crafted his own powerful therapeutic practice, based on the potent energy of the original Hebrew letters, combined with contemporary scientific techniques.

His reputable seminars are offered worldwide) aimed to help people improve their life significantly. 

As part of his healing discipline Master Joseph has created an accurate, authentic spiritual jewelry known as Seals of Solomon, which are designed according to the King’s own ring. The most powerful amulets and talismans apply the concept of all Creation, as an integral circulation of the Wheel of Life.
Seal of Solomon’s supernatural powers are curated within these ancient good luck charms, all presented in this metaphysical store offered on this website. 

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Please Keep in mind do not shower or sleep with the collection as it consist of “Holy Names”.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.