Seal of Harmony: Balance your frequency to achieve a sense of whole

What is this harmony and how it expresses in our life? How could we maintain it to accompany us throughout our day to day? This is a story of great forces colliding into one

We might not be aware, but our core continually strives to be in harmony with everything that surrounds us in our everyday life. When it’s missing from us, something just “doesn’t feel right”, and prevents us from gaining a sense of tranquility & progress. But still, we can’t point our finger at it, as this feeling is more of a heavy load that denies us from the natural flow of things. Like a chain reaction, this kind of situation can damage our ability to gain love, livelihood & self-fulfillment, which when aligned in harmony – we’re doing just fine.

What exactly is this desired harmony we wish for ourselves?

In a world of fantasy, reigned by gods and kings, Harmony was a goddess in Greek mythology. Daughter of Afrodity, goddess of perfection & purity, and Ares, god of war & destruction. This powerful combination between two distinct forces gave birth to a wondrous entity, manifesting the union of conflict with resolution, rage with calm, aggressiveness with gentleness.
Afrodity was considered to be modest of all gods, and Ares, the one with the highest hubris. Their daughter Harmony symbolizes the sweet unity of these two extreme edges.
like music that unifies different tones in fantastic harmony, so do the frequencies that play the melody of our existence.

How would we create harmony in life?

Harmony is created through the power of support, our inner energy that makes us stand tall and in movement. When this frequency lives strongly within ourself it generates the support we need to keep developing undisrupted.

Connecting to our inner strength of support doesn’t just occur. We have to identify it within and ignite it all over again. How? By having access to the secret wisdom of the frequencies of the universe – King Solomon’s wisdom.

Solomon devoted his life to discovering the codes for a life lived in high frequency. His sacred seals were designed as guiding tokens, used to unlock the bounty life holds.
This mystical energy lies ahead, a channel to a clear and comforting meaning, creating a better reality for those who wear it.

Seal of Harmony: Obtain flow and prosperity wherever you go

Out of 44 seals that were forged according to King Solomon’s wisdom, the Seal of Harmony is one to generate the balance required for its owner. It evokes inner strength and renewed energy that grows onto courage, faith, confidence & self-esteem. And when one enjoys such motivating flow in their life, they are available to choose their path as they see fit, with no energetic overload, without any conflict to stifle them with confusion or regret.

The seal is engraved with the names of angles written in Hebrew, designed with cosmic geometric shapes that summon frequencies of friendship, relationships and partnerships, supported by a stable balance within.

Untie the hardship that blocks you - choose out of the 44 seals to resolve any problem

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