Surround yourself with a strong community,
widen your cultural interactions for a richer life

It is true we all come to this world as newly-born individuals, but nevertheless, we always operate as a part of something bigger, a dynamic collective.
The faster we acknowledge that the faster we would assimilate ourselves in our environment, giving and receiving things that build both a stronger sense of self and a social self.

The scriptures have already visualized this assumption thousands of years ago, teaching us that it isn’t right for a person to be alone. When we open ourselves to other people around us, and strengthen our community ties, we add value to our life’s journey.

It starts as soon as we are little, born into a family that protects and nourishes us. It is much more difficult, and at times impossible to “make it on our own”, especially when we don’t have to.

Our interactions with our parents and siblings teach us how to interact with society further down the line, and to keep exploring additional cultures, different life forms, diverse perceptions and ideas offered to us by the vast array of humankind.

A child that is exposed to diverse experiences and different people through their early life becomes a more capable person that addresses situations in a wiser, more fluent manner.
This enhanced process of growing up prepares us for the future ahead, building confidence, developing agile personal & social skills, and an unrattled sense of self.

Be an active piece of your own puzzle

Although this is a much needed and desired reality, many people feel they don’t own such skills and motivators, a situation that leaves them lacking the ability to see things from different perspectives, to adapt to life’s challenges, and to form their path as they aspire it to be.
The danger of being cooped up in a narrow point of view, lacking the option to learn from the environment, might lead to living a minimized experience of life, and overlook flourishing opportunities that naturally advance our life.

The science of psychology and sociology has proven time and time again how our past experiences and interactions affect our chances in the future. But this understanding hasn’t begun with these two domains of scientific research, it was proved a long time ago, back in ancient times of evolution.

Take the lead over your life, starting now

The mystery of life and the secret forces of the universe were constantly explored by man throughout history. One man stood taller than others. His vast experiences in this world and beyond have set his wisdom as a paramount approach to life, naming him as the wisest of all man. A king, a sorcerous, a philosopher, a man of action – that was King Solomon, a man who was blessed with the power to inquire and discover life’s eternal secrets.
As he was blessed with a unique ability to handle the knowledge he absorbed, he had left us sacred artifacts that would bless and strengthen whoever wears them as well.

These seals are designed to guide us in present time towards claiming back our prerogative to fulfill our deepest aspiration, the essence of our ability to grow. Without aspiring for our basic needs and desires, we are destined to live in emptiness, bound to other people’s will and goals.

There are Eight core Aspirations that lead our life, as described in King Solomon’s writings. One of them is the aspiration to live well among a community, a human culture.

The trick is – we mustn’t wait for this aspiration to be validated out of thin air. If we just keep on waiting, life would pass us by.

When you aspire for something you recognize that there is so much to experience and so much to have, and only you can give it motion. Motion that is generated with the help of given clarity, courage, good health and abundant love – all unlocked by the infinite power of King Solomon’s Seals.

Our time here is swift, choose the seals that will maximize it to your satisfaction>>

Achieve more for yourself – meet the 7 additional aspirations that shape your world>>

 Join our community and enrich your life with the mystical knowledge, exposed only to those wishing to see clearly>>

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